782, 783, 784, …..
The tension is building. Some dreams are
shattered while some dreams are still a far, far distance away. Some are
secretly hoping that the count will end soon. How about your guess?
The venue is ready for the Guess the Beans
Counting Session.
The media personnel have arrived right on the dot @
3.30pm to witness Chilla Cup ‘Guess the Beans’ counting session. During the
period of 18th to 29th June 2012, we have launched this
contest with a single inspiration – to create the awareness of our signature
blend coffee which is on par with the finest coffee in the region. Therefore, 5
winners that have guessed the most accurately will be complimented with 10
regular handcrafted premium coffees.
Wendy (standing), our marketing executive
together with the media personnel.
If you are the winner, it is a perfect opportunity for
sharing with friends of the finer things in life. But, if you were to indulge
it alone over 10 times, we wouldn’t blame you for surrendering to the
temptations; just remember to gloat to your friends afterwards. Our coffee is
that good.
999, 1000, 1001, ….
The count is going to end soon. Some is
reeling in delight and is already imagining enjoying that perfect brew of
coffee. Are you?
Heading the beans counting process is our marketing
manager Mr. Dave Eng together with one of our crews under the watchful eye of
the media personnel from Travel and Dine, Sin Chew Jit Poh and Time Out KL.
Speaking of which, Time Out KL is now having the TOKL Food Awards nominations,
so head over to their website (http://www.timeoutkl.com/foodawards)
and nominate Chilla Cup as your Best Place for Coffee!
And, for the long awaited moment, the coffee
beans count is 1147 beans! Did you guess it correctly?
Below are the winners that we have announced to the media
as well as in our Facebook page:
Haimamania Lee
Kimoko San
How Sie
Joan Tian
Lwin Wen Li
Heartiest congratulations to the winners! And, for all
other participants, we thank you from the bottom of our heart towards your
participations and support. If you are new here, do like us in our Facebook
page (http://www.facebook.com/chillacupcafe)
as we will be rewarding our customers and fans with amazing delights from time
to time.
Till the next Chilla Cup experience!
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